Sunflower Shoots Microgreens - Product Profile

Sunflower Shoots Microgreens

(Product Profile)

 Sunflower Shoots

Example of growing and selling $500/week at the Farmer's Market



  • Avg. Price - $2/ounce ($32/pound) 
  • $500/$32/pound = 15# needed (produce 16 pounds to give a buffer)

Revenue Subtotal = $32/pound


Costs (itemized below) 


Profit Margin

$20/pound revenue -

$3.81/pound =

Margin $16.19/pound



Raw Material Direct Costs  

  • Soil - 10 cents / pound produced
    • .10 * 16 pounds = $1.60
  • Seed - 50 cents
    • .50 * 16 pounds = $8.00
  • Light - $1/light/week. 1 light/4 trays
    • 4 lights needed * $1 = $4 electricity
  • Raw Material Cost per pound to produce (not including labor) = 
    • .10 (soil) + .50 (seed) + .25 (electricity cost) = $.85/pound

Raw Material Direct Cost = $.85/pound


Marketing Material Direct Costs 

  • Clamshells - 50c each. Holds 3 ounces ($50 purchase)
    • 16 Pounds * 16 ounces/pound = 256 ounces/3 ounces = 86 packages
    • 86 packages * $0.50 = $43
  • Label - 5c each ($20 purchase)
    • 86 labels * $0.05 = $4.30 

Marketing Material Direct Costs Subtotal = $4.30


Final Packaged Product Direct Costs

  •    $2.66 (5.33 clamshells)
  • + $0.30 (6 labels)
  • + $0.85 (per pound raw product)

Final Packaged Product Direct Costs = $3.81/pound 

Startup Costs   

Tools & Materials Needed

  • Certified Scale - $50
  • Trays - $1 each (100 trays) = $100
  • Knife - $15
  • Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide - $10/16 ounce (diluted for cleaning trays)

Subtotal Tools & Materials = $175


Infrastructure Needed

  • Shelves - $100 (16 tray capacity/shelf)
  • Lights - T8 Fluorescent - $25 each (4 needed per shelf)
  • Walk-In Cooler/refrigerator  - $200

Infrastructure Subtotal - $400


Startup Cost

